Whistle Blowers Hotline
A business crime survey conducted in South Africa, as a part of an international survey involving nine other countries, concluded that fraud and corruption are serious problems impacting on the profit margins of businesses and on the ability if the public sector to deliver the services required by the people of South Africa. This has detrimental effects on economic growth, investment and development in South Africa. In an effort to combat misconduct, fraud and corruption, CMH subscribes to an independent Whistleblowing facility. This facility offers an outsourced 24-hour call centre fielded by multilingual operators, trained to obtain the maximum relevant information from the informant. No calls are answered by an answering service. Callers are given the opportunity to remain anonymous. Under no circumstances will Whistle Blowers make recordings available to any individual other than management of Whistle Blowers. This is to avoid voice recognition by a third party. Should you wish to report an incident related to CMH or one of its employees please contact the CMH-Whistleblowers line on 0800 0062 80.Alternatively, you can lodge a report online by going to www.whistleblowing.co.za